Green Initiatives

Our approach is towards functioning in the greenest possible manner by replenishing the environment and creating a low carbon footprint. Some of our efforts:

Green Energy

We consume energy in different forms. We are gradually shifting our consumption to environment friendly sources. This has decreased our use of fossil fuels and therefore helped reduce carbon emissions. We derive our energy from:

​1. Agricultural Waste

The company uses biomass and agricultural waste as its boiler fuel for generation of steam.

​2. Solar and Wind Energy

We source 50% of our power through renewable energy products.

We understand our responsibility towards the environment and have also installed an ESP system (Electrostatic Smoke Purifier)

Water Management

The paper industry is a water based industry and we try to be as judicious and self-sufficient in its utilisation through the following methods:

Rain Water Harvesting

We have set up rain water harvesting tanks with a capacity to collect many lakhs of litres of rain water in unit 1 and unit 2. Additionally we have also created underground tanks in both units to collect the run-off rainwater. We are thus able to replenish our groundwater levels to a certain extent.

ETP (Effluent Treatment Plant)

The ETP has enabled us to recycle 100% of the water used in manufacturing. From the very beginning there has been Zero discharge whether in house or outside. This has resulted in a drastic reduction in the amount of fresh water consumed per tonne of paper produced and in zero waste- water discharge.



Our entire paper division, coated paper board and kraft paper is based on recycled fibre. Our principal raw-material consists of old newspaper, old corrugated cartons, used notebooks, cup cuttings and various other grades of used paper. 


A sizeable amount of plastic is generated in the form of sludge. When the paper fibre goes through the process of pulping, plastic present as coating on the waste paper or as any other impurity is filtered out. Tonnes of such plastic is collected. We make sure that this does not reach the dumping yards but instead is put to good use. We have an understanding with cement companies which receive our plastic for use as raw material in cement production